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Time reports

Time reports will help you to get the most accurate, summarized, and detailed information about time tracked on all your projects. There are 4 types of time reports:

  • Summary
  • Detailed
  • By days
  • Pivot Table

Each report can be exported or added to the Periodical emails if your subscription plan contains these features.


The summary report will allow checking the total time tracked on tasks without users or dates columns. You can select a date range and project you would like to create a report for and get the summary of tracked time.

If you’re a Project Manager or Time Tracking Administrator and choose a few users from your Team in a People picker, the report will show the total time tracked by all users for a selected date range and projects.

Here you’ll find 3 columns: name of the task, hours with subtasks, and hours without subtasks

Examples of a Summary report:


The most detailed time report can be created using a Detailed type of report. Here you’ll find separate columns for each date, each user, and each task. All your time entries will be shown separately with their total time, timestamps, and added notes or tags.

Examples of a Detailed report:

By days

This type of report allows getting the summary of tracked time for each user separately grouped by a day column. It means that if you selected a week date range, you’ll get the total time for each day within this week and each day will contain information about selected users separately.

Examples of reports By days:

Pivot Table

Pivot Table is available only in Ultimate plan.

A Pivot Table is the most flexible type of report, where you can adjust multiple available columns and rows. You can group time by users, tasks and their levels, type of frequency, tags, etc. 

Time can be summarized by duration, hours, seconds, or count (number of entries assigned to this task on the selected date range).

Optionally you can save the template you've created. Click on the Save this report button and select the Save new report option. Next, enter a name for your template, decide if it should be visible to the rest of your Team, and click on the Save button.

If you've made a report template visible to your team, users will be able to see this report on the list of saved reports. They should click on the Saved reports list and select one of the available custom reports.

A saved report table will be opened, but users have to manually adjust their filters (e.g. date range, projects, etc.). Users will see only the time they have access to depending on their tracking permissions. If there is no data to show within the selected filters the report will be empty.

Examples of a Pivot Table: